Someone who knows how to have lots of fun, and when times get rough, won't run. Though I've searched the world looking for you, my friendship wishes finally came true. I FOUND YOU!
Someone who knows how to have lots of fun, and when times get rough, won't run. Though I've searched the world looking for you, my friendship wishes finally came true. I FOUND YOU!
A writer is faced with a blank page every day in life. Starting from scratch, a writer plays out her ideas and applies it on the blank page. Through writing they express their thoughts. Truth is conveyed from the mind to the paper in an effort to spread the word and to spread the knowledge. It is with a single word that one can cover so much more than a word. For example the word love, hope, faith and tears. And as writers, we celebrate the power of these words. Through these words I am who I am today.
Alright so all of you must be wondering what the crap am I talking bout but I'm talking serious here so bare with me! I'm erm gonna be honest after months and months of weird questions that friends seem to enjoy asking me. Do you like Tawau or Peejay better?
In this pic, me, Phebz and Lee are wayh happy. I mean look at us, we look like we're in a friggin picnic on a friggin rock and we were having fun. I've got to admit those days were fun. I mean here we can barely see anything resembling a beach. I've been stuck in this place for the past 10 months with the only inviting scenery which is the mountains at the back of the condo and the occasional trips to Port Dickson where there is beach. And as much as I have complained how this is hell and it's sux to be stuck here but there's just one tiny little white lie there. I'm enjoying myself here. I seriously am. And I cant imagine if i have to go back to tawau now. It's not like I'm saying I don't wanna go back to Tawau anymore.. I just can't imagine going back there. I've changed and people changed along with me. I've grown attached to my life here in Peejay and I'm no longer regretting anymore. I've got nice friends and I feel happy.. for the first time in 10 months I feel blessed.
So to those who are still wondering over that question.. hope that answered you.
I've been in good spirits these days. Other than the constant thinking i seemed to be always doing these days I've been splendid simply fine. In fact I've been more than fine but the information on why I am more than fine will be not revealed ;p I've been getting quite good results. All the papers I've gotten back so far have gotten A's (in my school 80-100 is an A) and I'm happy =) but not happy enough because there are other people who are getting wayh better results than me. Owh well... I hope I'll do great this time and get top 10. Pray for me all of you my darlings =)
Can't you believe how time flies? I mean it's already October approaching November and soon the year will come to an end and 2007 is coming. Owh and PMR is coming too =.=" I know it's too soon to think but I can't help but feel a little nervous. Alright shall not discuss about this further =\ Anyways this year I didn't have such a festive year so I'm determined to make it better next year. Although it's the important year I'm gonna dedicate myself to have fun!
Boo I'm bored. Update next time *F3*
Baba *Bernice* Ali *Lee Lee* AA *Phoebe* Gaby *Gabriel*
~ We Absolutely Adore ~EACH OTHER! Our crazy darlings~ kipas deserves special mention here =P We adore being ourself no? =D
~ We DESPISE... ~Lots. bithces, fags, (even though we're them, but HECK, we hate b & f's)
~ We Want ~the past year to possibly turn back time and to stay true to our promise which is FOREVER =)
* ^^. did we mention tat we love each other? MUAKZ * -urstruly =)-