Someone who knows how to have lots of fun, and when times get rough, won't run. Though I've searched the world looking for you, my friendship wishes finally came true. I FOUND YOU!
Someone who knows how to have lots of fun, and when times get rough, won't run. Though I've searched the world looking for you, my friendship wishes finally came true. I FOUND YOU!
Yup~ im bored yet again. I've seriously ran out of crap to crap about and my two other darlings seems to be having problems with their connections. Anyways, I'm changing the template right after I finish with this post. I'm changing it to black until Phebz decides to change it once again. I'm fed up of changing the template over and over again so all of you are gonna have to settle with blacK~
Anyways, my exams are coming in another two weeks time. And it's the final exam, so it's pretty important. Did i say pretty? I mean EXTREMLY important. So the pressure is on for me to improve or at least make myself feel like I improved. I've always been the A student, the top 10 student who will ace through any test. Hmm since shifting my results hasn't been all good but it's not bad i guess~ considering the standard here is "higher" and the standard back at Tawau. I don't think there's much difference. I mean, we still take the same exams and learn the same syllabus. Maybe its just the fact that schools in the city seem more higher educated than schools in a small town. Bogus la~
Life has been boring :( my msn is screwing with me and I'm getting jittery and worried caz I'm not studying. To add the load is that fact that my boy-hunt is not going on well and I'm feeling so fed up of everything I just wanna stay at home and sleep. I'm getting heavier bags under my eyes and what with the load of school projects screaming at me to finish them. And here I am sitting in front of comp while my dad shouts at me to continue studying. Aihs~ I guess I really should go back to studying. I wouldn't wanna end up regretting once again on my bad results.
Owh yeah, visit my bro's bloggie
thought I'd be a good sister and help link my bro incase no one noticed that link thingy~ I know i know i'm working on the template!!
Baba *Bernice* Ali *Lee Lee* AA *Phoebe* Gaby *Gabriel*
~ We Absolutely Adore ~EACH OTHER! Our crazy darlings~ kipas deserves special mention here =P We adore being ourself no? =D
~ We DESPISE... ~Lots. bithces, fags, (even though we're them, but HECK, we hate b & f's)
~ We Want ~the past year to possibly turn back time and to stay true to our promise which is FOREVER =)
* ^^. did we mention tat we love each other? MUAKZ * -urstruly =)-