Someone who knows how to have lots of fun, and when times get rough, won't run. Though I've searched the world looking for you, my friendship wishes finally came true. I FOUND YOU!
Someone who knows how to have lots of fun, and when times get rough, won't run. Though I've searched the world looking for you, my friendship wishes finally came true. I FOUND YOU!
Well i went back. To tawau I mean. And erm.. it was a memorable trip. I cried, laughed and giggled the most through those 6 days. I met my old friends (not all of them sadly) I felt busy for the first time in many months and I believe I've became fatter O.O!!! On my days back, I dunno why throughout those 6 days I've always had that urge to cry. It's like even when I'm laughing I somehow wanna cry. When I cry I feel so foolish for crying. Even those secret tears I shed when they're not looking, I'll just look at myself feeling stupid. I'm right there, in the position I've been dreaming to be in for the last 8 months and yet I'm crying. During the times when I feel lonely, I force myself to feel happy, somehow and someway I knew it's happiness I should be experiencing throughout this whole trip. I shouldn't be crying.
During the trip, I met up with my old friends:Sam =)
Cephas (a.k.a KIPAS ANGIN)
Elaine =)
The Lovebirds (a.k.a Louis and Lee~)
Gabriel and Chong En Di =)
CKK =)
David =)
To stop all of you readers from being confused, I am not sad because I went back to Tawau. I am happy I really am. I get to see my TBFF, BBFF and all of my friends (well okie not all of them) But the feeling of distance is always there. Especially when I talk with them, and they'll tell me things that I've never ever heard off and just gave up trying to explain it to me caz I'm superbly ngong. So yeah, feeling behind was one of the reasons I felt sad when I went back. But I won't dive futher into that topic (of why I am sad) cause that might result in me crying at the end of this entry so yeah.
Well, in about another hour it'll be merdeka. 49th year man. Go MALAYSIA! Keep berkembang-ing =)
Baba *Bernice* Ali *Lee Lee* AA *Phoebe* Gaby *Gabriel*
~ We Absolutely Adore ~EACH OTHER! Our crazy darlings~ kipas deserves special mention here =P We adore being ourself no? =D
~ We DESPISE... ~Lots. bithces, fags, (even though we're them, but HECK, we hate b & f's)
~ We Want ~the past year to possibly turn back time and to stay true to our promise which is FOREVER =)
* ^^. did we mention tat we love each other? MUAKZ * -urstruly =)-