Someone who knows how to have lots of fun, and when times get rough, won't run. Though I've searched the world looking for you, my friendship wishes finally came true. I FOUND YOU!
Someone who knows how to have lots of fun, and when times get rough, won't run. Though I've searched the world looking for you, my friendship wishes finally came true. I FOUND YOU!
Well i went back. To tawau I mean. And erm.. it was a memorable trip. I cried, laughed and giggled the most through those 6 days. I met my old friends (not all of them sadly) I felt busy for the first time in many months and I believe I've became fatter O.O!!! On my days back, I dunno why throughout those 6 days I've always had that urge to cry. It's like even when I'm laughing I somehow wanna cry. When I cry I feel so foolish for crying. Even those secret tears I shed when they're not looking, I'll just look at myself feeling stupid. I'm right there, in the position I've been dreaming to be in for the last 8 months and yet I'm crying. During the times when I feel lonely, I force myself to feel happy, somehow and someway I knew it's happiness I should be experiencing throughout this whole trip. I shouldn't be crying.
During the trip, I met up with my old friends:Sam =)
Cephas (a.k.a KIPAS ANGIN)
Elaine =)
The Lovebirds (a.k.a Louis and Lee~)
Gabriel and Chong En Di =)
CKK =)
David =)
To stop all of you readers from being confused, I am not sad because I went back to Tawau. I am happy I really am. I get to see my TBFF, BBFF and all of my friends (well okie not all of them) But the feeling of distance is always there. Especially when I talk with them, and they'll tell me things that I've never ever heard off and just gave up trying to explain it to me caz I'm superbly ngong. So yeah, feeling behind was one of the reasons I felt sad when I went back. But I won't dive futher into that topic (of why I am sad) cause that might result in me crying at the end of this entry so yeah.
Well, in about another hour it'll be merdeka. 49th year man. Go MALAYSIA! Keep berkembang-ing =)
Listening to: Sad Love Story Soundtrack
Mood: Moody
Days left to Tawau: (21-16) 5 more days.
It's all the songs fault I'm moody now. I'm bored now so I decided to take out those old songs stuffed in my 'song compartment' and hear songs that I don't understand. For your info, Sad Love Story is a korean drama and it's a really sad one caz the hero dies at the end *pfft them* I didn't exactly watch this drama cause my mom told me the ending and she was like crying so much so I don't wanna be crying too =) You know the crazy chemistry that korean drama's can do to a girl. One of the great examples is of course Autumn In My Heart/Endless Love:*when she's dying*
I got this short summary from the same site I found this picture =
Unlike most tragedies with a sad ending, Winter Sonata reached a bittersweet conclusion even though everyone who had intimate connection with the two main characters paid the heavy price of emotional and mental agony. The story opened with Joon Sang portrayed by Bae Yong Jun in his finest performance and Yu Jin, played by the talented Choi Ji Woo, as two high school students who fell in love for the first time. Unfortunately, their ill-fated love suffered a cruel blow as our hero soon died in a car accident, leaving our heroine heart-broken and dispirited. Ten years later, Yu Jin found herself working on a ski resort project with Min Yeong who looked exactly like Joon Sang. Oddly enough, he was courting Yu Jin's high school rival, Chae Lin, deftly played by Park Sol Mi. Consequently, Yu Jin's uncontrollable attraction to Min Yeong jeopardized her engagement to her childhood admirer, Sang Hyuk, played by Park Yong Ha, who in conspiracy with Chae Lin, tried everything to separate the two destined lovers. When the truth came out that Min Yeong and Joon Sang were the same person and worse still, the suspicion that Joon Sang and Yu Jin were half-brother and sister, everyone involved was thrown into utter confusion, resulting in grief and detrimental pain.
It's pretty long... ma' bad. But still utter pain and GRIEF! Yeah the director of all seasons has that knack of making it a bad ending =( What am I talking about? Well but of course the director of:
1) Autumn In My Heart
2) Winter Sonata
3) Spring Day
4) Summer Scent
Yun Seok Ho! The producer of all SEASONS! Somewhat odd yet interisting =)GO YUN SEOK HO!
p/s: hope you all enjoyed the pics =)
Heyya! I know.. i haven't been posting at all these days. I lost the mood to blog caz i spent the whole week [this week] being blur and half asleep. So i'll just rewind the past week.. hmm there isn't much to rewind actually.. i've been given LOADS AND LOADS of projects by my INCONSIDERATE teachers, i've been busy keeping my eye on a boy in tuition, i've been busy trying to get some sleep at night [the results : shadows under my eyes the whole week] and i've been busy dreaming about going back to Tawau.
YUPE! i'm going back! Home sweet home =) I'll be snapping the camera the whole time there so expect pictures soon. Anyways, I'll be leaving on the 21st and i'll be back on the 27th. This is sure gonna be an exciting trip i suppose.
Fact #1: It's been 8 months since I last saw my friends and my home
Fact #2: It's been 8 months since I last saw my fav. Hing Lee Bihun
Fact #3: It's been 8 months since I last saw my ex-school
Fact #4: I'm soso bored of my life so this would be an exellent spice =)
But I can't help but wonder what would be my friends impression on me when I return. I mean.. i don't really think i changed right? But I did change maybe, I'm not sure. It's been 8 months really, and I'm sure everyone got some sort of exotic haircut or maybe a change in attitude, a change in boyfriend who knows! But I'll just be there for 6 days and it seems too short for me. Anyway, I had this crazy dream about how it would seem like the first time we see each other again...
Bernice: *comes out of airport. dramatic background music plays home sweet home*
Everyone : *moving in slow motion at the newly revamped airport*
Bernice's Friends: *runs slow motion towards Bernice while screaming*
I have a future aspiration as a journalist/writer so don't blame me for being imaginative. =) Alright back to my dream...
Bernice: *hugs every friend with a triumph smile while the olympic song plays*
Bernice's Friends: *Unable to calm down; still screaming wildly; passer-bys crying tearfully*
STOP! I'm beginning to feel giddy. MUst stop *hehe* I'll post next time, sorry for the short post =)
Heyya. Just leaving a short post to help those who can't find the navigaters (just incase anyway) To navigate just press those 'one','two','three' and 'four' thingy. Might have to warn you, once you press those navigaters, you can't return to the first page, which is this page. so read, before you leave a taggie =)
p/s: will update soon. SOON!
Baba *Bernice* Ali *Lee Lee* AA *Phoebe* Gaby *Gabriel*
~ We Absolutely Adore ~EACH OTHER! Our crazy darlings~ kipas deserves special mention here =P We adore being ourself no? =D
~ We DESPISE... ~Lots. bithces, fags, (even though we're them, but HECK, we hate b & f's)
~ We Want ~the past year to possibly turn back time and to stay true to our promise which is FOREVER =)
* ^^. did we mention tat we love each other? MUAKZ * -urstruly =)-