Someone who knows how to have lots of fun, and when times get rough, won't run. Though I've searched the world looking for you, my friendship wishes finally came true. I FOUND YOU!
Someone who knows how to have lots of fun, and when times get rough, won't run. Though I've searched the world looking for you, my friendship wishes finally came true. I FOUND YOU!
Feebie here, SUPRISE! wahahahahahahahaha..im finaly posting hons, :D, actualy its bcuz erm, i know tis will make me sound so crapy, but its bcuz i read bernice's friend's blogs, and they were cool..n i mean, reli cool and pretty! bernice make our blog pink plzplzplzplzplzplzplzplzplzplz! sobiez, neways..im BLOGGING :D
also, im planing to make a xanga keke, yea ber, dun say im onli making one after reading those blogs, but yea..and AND, xanga is soooOOoo pretty! blogskins rox..! seriously haha..and damit my grandma is scolding me bcuz im posting, fak she just called me sot again...=.=" i'll blog next time, ASDF ASD:KFJ @#$@#$^*^@%@$%!#@%$&^*&%*#^!@#!%$
Baba *Bernice* Ali *Lee Lee* AA *Phoebe* Gaby *Gabriel*
~ We Absolutely Adore ~EACH OTHER! Our crazy darlings~ kipas deserves special mention here =P We adore being ourself no? =D
~ We DESPISE... ~Lots. bithces, fags, (even though we're them, but HECK, we hate b & f's)
~ We Want ~the past year to possibly turn back time and to stay true to our promise which is FOREVER =)
* ^^. did we mention tat we love each other? MUAKZ * -urstruly =)-