Someone who knows how to have lots of fun, and when times get rough, won't run. Though I've searched the world looking for you, my friendship wishes finally came true. I FOUND YOU!
Someone who knows how to have lots of fun, and when times get rough, won't run. Though I've searched the world looking for you, my friendship wishes finally came true. I FOUND YOU!
Hey..bernice, im actually posting sumthing rite now, so stop tis 'seriously phebz, post sumthing b4 i smack you!!' in maple or in msn...^^, hehe..holiday is almost over, another school term..argh! i think im gona drop class for the first time ever..bcuz of maths...but let's just PRAY HARD! Sad =.=, the holiday was boring...went to SAL camp, was kinda fun..then after that, its just wake up, eat, maple..msn, eat, read Harry Potter, maple..msn, bath, eat, missing somebody, msn.., sleep~~~~...or wake up, go out, maple, eat, msn, harry potter, daydream, maple..msn, sleep~~~~...not much difference i have to say..waakakkakaaka......!!!!!! nvm -.-, you're not laffing......................
Hehe..we have a new blogger...g@bby! and swt, why is the link thingy coming out...and his entry was hehe, nice? ^^. I'm supposed to write sumthing about erm, our friendship..me, bernice's and lee lee's...and maybe thien's and elsie's and angel's, mary's ....? FYI, my brother's SLEEPWALKING!!! he's talking about his present =.=...he sleeptalks everynite and now he's sleepwalking..wat a progress, should tell him tml hehe..
NEWAYS.....me and bernice met when were just 3 ^^ how cute rite hehe, not sure how we met though, guess both of us were just blur and we happened to sit at the same table maybE? hmm...i forgot! ask bernice hehe..but since that you know, she has tis short term memory thingy..*haha..dun smack me keke* i doubt tat she remembers. BUT BUT, there's a proof tat we were friends..you wan it? post a tag and ask for it, i'll post it soon ^^ SOON :D
So we went to kindergarden, now i remember sumthing about kindergarden..ok, so i went to school..i was A BIT late..:), i remember bernice waving at me, or izit Thien..i dunu thien yet..but we were close =.=" and i dunu how, who cares, i was young. so lee lee was crying, and i think i cried too...yes, stupid thing to cry during the first day of school. but keke, we were onli five..forgive us? oh yea and we met Elsie there too. >>>>> a gal tat made my first and second year of primary school a living hell.
i wana write more, but i guess i'll stop here..its kinda late and i can't reli think...im not a morning people, people. and its 2.15 am, and i bleeded a lot today, dentist =.=", so i guess i'll stop here, remind me where did i stop, i'll write again i think on monday ^^, maybe i'll post sumthing about the first day of second year, second term of middle/high school..and pray for me, i don't wanna drop class just bcuz of maths...love you bernice, love you lee lee ^^, love you gabie...!!! i miss you
*i apologize for the wrong spelling or wrong usage of grammar, i dun hav gud english during midnitez..alrity, nite nite ! ^.^
~ FeebIe
Baba *Bernice* Ali *Lee Lee* AA *Phoebe* Gaby *Gabriel*
~ We Absolutely Adore ~EACH OTHER! Our crazy darlings~ kipas deserves special mention here =P We adore being ourself no? =D
~ We DESPISE... ~Lots. bithces, fags, (even though we're them, but HECK, we hate b & f's)
~ We Want ~the past year to possibly turn back time and to stay true to our promise which is FOREVER =)
* ^^. did we mention tat we love each other? MUAKZ * -urstruly =)-